Monday, March 26, 2007

The End of Tourist Season in Cambodia

I heard from my friend Chanra in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The tourist season has come to an end. The weather is too hot, too humid, and too rainy for many tourists to visit until October.

It was a successful season from a business perspective for Chanra. He made money renting his bicycles to B&R and other tour companies. He also was hired as a guide by several other bicycle tours.

He just led a group of Swiss tourists for 10 days throughout Cambodia. I told him that the Swiss do not tip very well. He called me to say that I was correct. For 10 days, the entire group only gave him US$20.

He should have enough money to last until next tourist season, but he is looking for work to make more money and to avoid being bored. If anyone knows of a job opening in Cambodia for a hard-working, English-speaking (somewhat), smart young man, let me know and I'll pass it on to Chanra.

We have signed up for another B&R bicycle tour - this time to Northern Thailand and Laos. We plan on going in November and stopping for a few days in Cambodia to visit Chanra. Meanwhile we need to get ready for our upcoming trip next week to Morocco.

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