The Ambassador is the definitive Indian car. It was the first car to be manufactured in India and has been plying the Indian roads since 1948. Its dependability, spaciousness and comfort factor have made it the most preferred car for generations of Indians (not Americans). In major cities all over India, Ambassador taxis are like yellow cabs in New York City. Our driver could fit right in to Manhattan in an instant, including his turban.
It is manufactured by Hindustan Motors in India. The Amby, as it is affectionately called, has been in continuous production since its inception, with very few changes to its bulbous round frame. The current models have been in production since 1957 and are based on the Morris Oxford first made in the U.K.. Because of its long production history, parts are readily available throughout India and every mechanic, driver, and housewife knows how to repair them.
The Amby is truly an India classic.
An extra added feature of our taxi ride was the driver's continual insistence on taking us to his "best" places to shop. You must be firm in saying "no" (if you can even understand his Hindish - accented English). He gets a commission from any purchases you make at these places. He even asked several times if we needed a driver later and if we would like to do more shopping. These guys are aggressive - like a tick under your skin.
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